758. CLEOPATRA’S BROTHER “PHARAOH PTOLEMY XIII” COSTUME FROM CLEOPATRA. (TCF, 1963) Designed by Vittorio Nino Novorese (who shared the Oscar for Best Costume Design) for Richard O’Sullivan “Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII” in Cleopatra. Worn during Caesar’s royal visit to Egypt when Ptolemy and his advisor attempt and fail to humiliate Caesar. Extraordinary detailed and authentic Royal Vestments con- structed of heavy wool with extensive gold-bullion and gold lamé with multi-colored wool inserts, topped by elaborate Nekhbet goddess chest appliqué and metallic two-headed Horus throat plate. Together with sand-colored wool robe which is one of two layers Ptolemy wears under the Vestment. Both articles bear “Casa D’Arte Firenze” labels with char- acter’s name inscribed, and both are in excellent condition, virtually as screen-worn. $1,500 – $2,000

757. EGYPTIAN GENERAL JOHN DOUCETTE “ACHILLAS” COSTUME FROM CLEOPATRA. (TCF,1963) Designed by Vittorio Nino Novorese for John Doucette, who portrays Egyptian General Achillas, head of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII’s army in Cleopatra. Worn during Caesar’s royal visit to Egypt to order the end of discord between Ptolemy and his sister Cleopatra. Constructed authentically by “Casa D’Arte Firenze” of heavy leather with numerous pressed, cast, and stamped metallic ornaments and medallions. Label inside is inscribed for re-purposing of “Ammiraglio Egiziano” as is the black and gold thread under-tunic which is from the same re- purposed screen-use. Excellent condition overall, with only a few of the smallest ornaments missing. $1,500 – $2,000

748. WARDROBE AND SET STILLS FROM CLEOPATRA. (TCF, 1963) Collection of 15 wardrobe and set stills including 15 gelatin silver glossy 8 x 10 in. prints taken on location and showing Elizabeth Taylor as “Cleopatra” in wig, and Kenneth Haigh “Brutus” dead body brought before Richard Burton “Marc Antony.” The massed troops are shown as are select soldiers for detailed shots of armor and dress. Includes one color photograph of a costume design sketch for a market scene. Very good; exhibiting slight handling wear. $300 – $500

777. COLLECTION OF ELIZABETH TAYLOR CLEOPATRA HAIR DRESSING DEPARTMENT PHOTOGRAPHS FROM CLEOPATRA. Collection of 23 glossy black and white borderless 8 1⁄4 in. x 10 1⁄2 in. continuity photographs of Elizabeth Taylor in various hair shots for wigs on the set of Cleopatra. Taylor is featured in various scenes from her Alexandria apartment, the mausoleum, the tombs, her villa, and others. Includes 3 candid on-set Polaroids. Includes Cleopatra film program signed in red ink at the lower front cover by John Chambers. $600 – $800

753. ORIGINAL CONCEPT PRODUCTION ARTWORK OF MARC ANTONY’S TARSUS QUARTERS FROM CLEOPATRA. (TCF, 1963) Large-scale original concept painting accomplished in pencil, ink, gouache and tempera on a 29 in. x 40 in. illustration board, featuring Richard Burton as “Marc Antony” lounging in his richly appointed Tarsus quarters. Twentieth Century-Fox production label at the lower right corner. Exhibits toning and slight soiling in the margins and corner wear. Acquired from the Twentieth Century-Fox sale in 1971 with the pencil notation “SK 579” and Sotheby, Parke-Bernet sticker on the verso. $2,000 – $3,000

750. EGYPTIAN SERVANT-MEN MONUMENTAL WALL RELIEF FROM CLEOPATRA. (TCF, 1963) Constructed of fiberglass over a wooden frame and painted to crème to resemble sandstone. Visible in the courtyard of Cleopatra’s palace, the wall relief features ten servant-men attendants of Cleopatra gesturing and bowing. Measures 56 in. x 66 1⁄2 in. with a wire on the back for hanging and display. Special shipping arrangements will apply. $1,500 – $2,500

775. ELIZABETH TAYLOR MASTER SOLID PLASTER LIFECAST BY JOHN CHAMBERS AND 6 PHOTOS BY RODDY MCDOWALL OF THE PROCE- DURE. This Cleopatra-era lifecast was created by make-up masters John Chambers on August 8, 1962 for The List of Adrian Messenger (Universal, 1963). A relatively modern-day mystery, it featured a number of promi- nent Hollywood actors who were heavily disguised in make-up with their identities revealed at the end of the film. Elizabeth Taylor was offered a disguised role but turned it down because the make-up would be too uncomfortable. This plaster lifecast was done for this make-up test in Gstaad, Switzerland. The lifecast is signed and dated by Chambers on the verso. Accompanied by (6) 8 in. x 10 in. photographs by Roddy McDowall showing Chambers and Taylor during the procedure. Photos mounted to illustration board with handwritten notations. $1,000 – $1,500

The provenance of this fabled trailer is fascinating. Millionaire financier and developer of the Watergate complex in Washington, DC, Nicolas Salgo, helped arrange financial backing for the film for the studio. Once the film wrapped, Salgo negotiated with Fox to keep Elizabeth Taylor’s dressing room trailer and had it parked at his ZX Ranch in Oregon from the 1960s through 1980. Friends visiting the ranch, the largest in Oregon, would request to stay in the Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton love nest—Hollywood’s version of the Lincoln Bedroom . Once Salgo sold the ranch, he transferred ownership to his neighbor from the adjacent ranch (the current owner and consignor) who owned The Lakeview Fantastic Museum where it became part of the museum exhibit. The trailer now resides as a guest house of his personal residence in Lake Tahoe, California.
The furniture, fixtures and curtains are all original. The other pieces currently decorating the dressing room, such as chairs, hand mirror, tel- ephones, magazines, photographs, etc. are placed as a museum-like tribute to Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Cleopatra. The original round bed was removed over 40 years ago and replaced with a queen-sized bed. Some areas on the walls exhibit minor moisture damage which can be easily restored; otherwise, in very good condition with original curtains and main fixtures intact. Due to the size of the trailer, special transportation considerations must be arranged by the winning bidder. A wonderful and intimate Elizabeth Taylor piece, epitomizing the epic extravagance of Cleopatra—the last of the old guard Hollywood films. $50,000 – $75,000
All these items will be auctioned off as part of the Icons of Hollywood Auction December 15 - 16, 2011 at The Paley Center For Media 465 North Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA
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