CLEOPATRA’S WORLD: Week 3: “Egypt and Alexandria: Ancient Wisdom and ‘Modern’ Science” The Egypt of the Ptolemies was a vibrant multi-cultural society producing marvels of architecture and learning. This week’s session will look at the great accomplishments of Egypt under the Ptolemies including: one of the earliest known planned cities, one of the world’s greatest attempts to gather the world’s knowledge and the world’s greatest scholars in one place, and the creation one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
About The Speaker: Lyn Green received her Ph.d from the University of Toronto. She has taught courses in Greek and Roman history and literature for Brock University at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, as well as being an instructor and teacher at the Royal Ontario Museum for many years. She has always had an interest in the Egypt of the Ptolemies, and has delivered scholarly and popular presentations on various topics. In 2007 delivered an all-day one-person seminar on Cleopatra to the North Texas Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt.
What: CLEOPATRA’S WORLD “Egypt and Alexandria: Ancient Wisdom and ‘Modern’ Science”
Speaker: Dr. Lyn Green
When: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 7pm
Where: University of Toronto campus, 4 Bancroft Ave. Rm 214, Dept. Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations
To register: $35, payment by cheque, cash or credit card at the door
Contact: Mark Trumpour, toronto@thessea.org 647-520-4339
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